How is CBD Oil Made?

Oct 16, 2020

To make CBD oil, one must start with CBD-rich plant materials. There are several ways to extract CBD oil from hemp. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. Some methods are safer and more effective than others. After extracting and removing solvents from plants, CBD oil can be refined and formulated into various consumables, edible products, tinctures, plastic caps, vape oil boxes, external products, beverages, etc. The purpose of extraction is to make CBD and other beneficial components of plants (such as terpenes) exist in a highly concentrated form. Since cannabinoids are oily in nature, separating CBD from plants produces a thick, potent oil. The texture and purity of this oil largely depends on the method of extracting it.

CBD and other plant cannabinoids are chemically classified as "terpene phenolic" compounds. For us non-scientists, this means that CBD is soluble in oil and alcohol. Therefore, the process of extracting CBD oil from hemp usually requires the use of a solvent that is good at dissolving oil or alcohol compounds. Solvents commonly used to extract CBD from hemp include supercritical carbon dioxide, ethanol, hydrocarbons (such as butane) and olive oil.

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