What is Broad Spectrum CBD Oil?

Jul 15, 2021

You may have noticed that CBD products come labeled as “full-spectrum” or “broad -spectrum” or “CBD isolate.”However, “broad-spectrum” extracts is rarely discussed. It’s a subtle difference in terms, but an important distinction to make.

Broad-spectrum extracts include many of the phytochemicals present in cannabis but have been modified from their original ratio. This involves removing THC, but sometimes this requires a complete restructuring of the cannabinoid and terpene profile of the extract.

So, why do companies sell broad-spectrum products? What are the benefits?

We’ll answer these questions and more about broad-spectrum CBD. By the time you’ve finished reading this article, you’ll be an expert at spotting the differences between the types of hemp extracts.

What Is Broad Spectrum CBD Oil?

Before we cut right to the benefits, it’s essential to stick to the basics. Every CBD oil can be derived from the hemp or the medicinal marijuana plant with the help of solvents like CO2. Depending on the extraction process, the profile of the cannabinoid will vary. We’ll be focusing on Hemp-derived CBD.

The extraction process determines whether the end-product will be a CBD isolate, broad-spectrum, or full-spectrum.

• CBD isolate is produced when all the plant matter, including oils, waxes, THC, and more, are entirely removed. The result is pure CBD Isolate.

• The full-spectrum product keeps everything the Hemp plant contains, like the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and more.

• Broad-spectrum is a mix of both. It contains all the good stuff (the terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids) of the hemp plant to provide therapeutic properties. But without THC, which means it can’t get the user “high.”

Simply put, broad-spectrum is best meant for individuals who don’t want to have any THC.

4 Benefits of Using Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil

If you are considering buying a broad-spectrum CBD oil, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve decided to list all the benefits of owning this product so that you’ll have a much easier time deciding. So, let’s get right to it.

• Improves Mental and Physical Health

More and more people are turning to CBD oils to soothe anxiety and curb stress. It has become the go-to choice for mental health. If you too are interested in its therapeutic properties, you might want to consider a broad-spectrum product.

According to the National Institutes of Health,full-spectrum extracts may have the potency to treat neuropathic pain caused by serious ailments. Since the broad-spectrum oil contains all the healthy compounds from the full-spectrum product, it could have a highly positive effect on the neurologic difficulties and calm the mind.

• Comes With an “Entourage Effect”

When a dozen of various cannabinoids work in synergy, they use the plant’s therapeutic properties to its full potential. This is the famous “entourage effect.” Both the broad-spectrum and the full-spectrum are capable of featuring an “entourage effect.” However, this is not something you can get from CBD isolate.

Even though more research is necessary to confirm this claim, there is a high possibility the entourage effect can positively affect the system on a psychological and physical level.

• It’s a Less Processed Product Than CBD Isolate

CBD isolate completely devoid of all the flavonoids, terpenes, and THC of the hemp plant. To achieve such a state, it has to undergo a series of processes and refinements that will make sure you get a pure CBD product.

The broad-spectrum is different. Not only are you getting all the nutrients from the plant, but you are also getting a product low in THC, which is a handy alternative for the body. The less processing, the easier it will be on the system.

• It Features a Pretty Strong Aroma

The cannabis flower naturally comes with a potent aroma. These aromatic compounds are responsible for its flavor. Since broad-spectrum keeps the naturally-occurring oils from the plant, it automatically maintains the aroma.

Depending on the terpenes type, the flavor and smell will vary. Compared to the tasteless CBD isolate, you are getting a lot more powerful alternatives in terms of flavor and uniqueness.

Is Broad-Spectrum Oil Safe?

There aren’t enough resources dedicated to studying the broad-spectrum CBD product. Even though it seems like a beneficial option, there is very little information available. Therefore, it’s hard to say what kind of impact this will have in the long run.

So far, it has potential. The broad-spectrum oil keeps all the benefits of the plant formulation and won’t get the user “high.”

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